Register to exhibit at TrendSet

Secure your stand for TrendSet or for one of the TrendSet Topic Areas here:

As the first international interiors & lifestyle trade fair in summer and winter in Munich, TrendSet is attended by buyers and top decision-makers from all forms of retail. If you want to be part of the next TrendSet, you can easily register here.

Registration for other TrendSet Topic Areas

Are you new to the market, do you have products in the market segments Fashion Jewellery | Beauty | Fashion, regional articles or art on offer? Then the exhibition spaces in the TrendSet Topic Areas is the right presentation platform for you.

TrendSet Bijoutex – Topic Area for Fashion Jewelry, Beauty and Fashion:

TrendSet Bijoutex offers a lot of news around fashion jewelry, beauty, fashion and accessories. National and international exhibitors will present a wide range of stylish and high-quality costume jewelry, as well as the latest products from the fashion and beauty sector.

TrendSet Newcomer – Topic Area for Start-ups & Locals:
TrendSet Newcomer showcases promising products from small and innovative companies, trade show newcomers and local businesses.

TrendSet Fine Arts – Topic Area for contemporary fine arts with order and direct purchase of single works and series:

TrendSet Fine Arts offers space for more inspiration, more encounters and more attention through and for art. Promising artists show here their works from the fields of painting, photography, sculpture, drawing and graphics.

Terms of Participation and Payment

Here you will find the General Terms and Conditions of TrendSet for participation at the fair.