Loyalty of TrendSet to the market rewarded by high order and visitor figures
Loyalty of TrendSet to the market rewarded by high order and visitor figures
• TrendSet provides the industry with a platform for ordering even in difficult times
• More than 13,000 trade visitors from all of Germany and eager to order
• Satisfied exhibitors and high order figures
It was the first TrendSet Winter during the pandemic and it will likely remain the only trade fair in Germany at the beginning of 2022. While other Living & Giving fairs were cancelled for economic reasons, TrendSet has faced up to its responsibility towards its exhibitors and trade visitors. With a comprehensive set of rules for hygiene and safety and despite the uncertainty up to the last minute of what the federal and state governments would decide regarding the coronavirus pandemic regulations, TrendSet unflinchingly put on its first trade fair of the year to offer the market and all of Germany a platform for ordering new merchandise. With the exception of a few cancellations, all major exhibitors, large and small, new and long-standing, were represented at TrendSet Winter 2022. Trade visitors also honoured the trade show’s taking place at the beginning of the year with a large turnout. More than 13,000 trade visitors are an excellent result in the current pandemic situation. TrendSet thus once again demonstrated as a pilot trade fair in Munich that trade fairs can be held successfully and safely even under conditions that continue to be difficult owing to the pandemic.
Happy visitors, satisfied exhibitors, high order figures – TrendSet Winter 2022 was a success. The industry came together in Munich at TrendSet. After the Christmas business, the stockrooms of retailers are empty and TrendSet 2022 was the first chance to fill them with new Living & Giving articles. It also looked like TrendSet Winter was not only a meeting place for the entire industry this time, but also a matter dear to the heart of each person participating. TrendSet received a good deal of positive feedback from both exhibitors and trade visitors in this regard.
“We are so happy to be here because we need new products. Looking at and touching the products is simply important. No online shop can replace this experience. And here, we have all the variety of many brands. That is why we would rather be here than have representatives visit us in our shop,” explained one trade fair visitor why she came to TrendSet in Munich.
There was widespread agreement on the necessity of trade fairs despite or especially because of the challenging times. A visitor to TrendSet Winter 2022 expressed the sentiments of many trade visitors by stating, “Just as the market expects us retailers to remain open and offer current merchandise, we expect open trade fair gates for the opportunity to experience and order this merchandise. And we need it at an early point in time well before the start of the season. And in times when supply chains are becoming more and more burdened and delivery times are getting longer, pre-orders have to be possible even for the following seasons up to Christmas.”
Others showed their dismay at the cancellations of other Living & Giving fairs. Another trade visitor at TrendSet Winter 2022 commented, “When there is no fair, manufacturers and retailers alike are deprived of the opportunity to discover, experience, and order new goods. If it were purely about protecting health, it is understandable not to let fairs take place. But when it comes to the economic concerns of trade fair organisers in particular, it is simply unfair to put them above the concerns of exhibitors and visitors. And this in today’s conditions, where retail is already struggling enough under the effects of the
TrendSet thankful for the success of the fair and the large number of exhibitors and trade visitors who took part
Tatjana Pannier, Managing Director of TrendSet, very clearly described the responsibility of a trade fair in these times in her view: “For us as well, it would have been easy to cancel TrendSet Winter 2022. But that was never up for debate for us. Right from the start, we planned as though TrendSet Winter 2022 would definitely take place. Up to the last minute, we along with Messe München were in contact with the relevant authorities. Together, we managed to give the industry a platform for ordering with a functioning set of rules for hygiene and safety on time in January, despite difficult conditions. This is because we see ourselves as a reliable partner of specialty retailers, and we remain so in challenging times. The market has responded to us with a good deal of loyalty. Almost all our exhibitors were present and all visitors who could make it possible were also present. We stick together and try to keep business going even during difficult times. That is why I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our exhibitors for their support, loyalty, and commitment to making this trade fair event possible. And of course I also thank the more than 13,000 trade visitors mainly from Germany (including central and northern Germany), Austria, Switzerland, and Italy who spared no measure and no effort to come to Munich to make TrendSet Winter 2022 a success.” This is how Tatjana Pannier, Managing Director of TrendSet, gratefully and optimistically summed up the organisation of the trade fair in challenging times.
Happy visitors, satisfied exhibitors, and a large number of orders – including already for Christmas 2022
More than 13,000 trade visitors as well as 1,500 national and international exhibitors and brands met at TrendSet Winter 2022 from 8 to 10 January 2022 in Munich, Germany. And there were many new products and trends for Spring/Summer 2022 to discover. Several exhibitors even had with them new products for Christmas 2022, thus gave the trade the opportunity to order at this early point in time. After the cancellation in Frankfurt, many visitors accepted this opportunity
thankfully. Bulk buyers, buyers, retailers, and online retailers from the Interiors & Lifestyle sector took advantage of the three days of the fair to order new products and Easter articles and to place pre-orders for seasonal Christmas articles. Everyone involved felt safe owing to the exhaustive hygiene rules. Visitors were well prepared for the 2G+ rule which applied at the fair. (2G+ means that those recovered from COVID and fully vaccinated people are admitted if they can also present a negative COVID test result.) The contactless admission system also helped. Visitor figures were almost the same as in the summer of 2021. Overall, there were fewer visitors per shop and, given the circumstances, fewer trade visitors from northern Italy and Switzerland, which is not surprising owing to local incidence levels and applicable quarantine rules. The more than 13,000 trade visitors who made it possible to come were enthusiastic:
“Finally TrendSet again – how I had missed it! It was wonderful, with amazing sellers with attractive products in the Bijoutex area as well. It was a little smaller than usual, but higher-quality products.” “Finally a trade fair again! It was remarkable there!”“We really liked the fair. Everything was perfectly organised. Great exhibitors that really made a huge effort.” “Incredible, a breath of trade fair air and that brought a little bit of normalcy.” “We were at the fair for two days as customers, visited our established suppliers, concluded business, and found new ideas. Everything was fantastic. Thank you!”
News from the TrendSet Topic Areas
Changing times and new situations require new ways of looking at things. This also applies to the TrendSet Topic Areas. Especially companies in these special subject areas are struggling with the difficult pandemic conditions. For example, TrendSet Bijoutex lives on spontaneous purchases at the fair. If fewer representatives per company attend TrendSet, those who take the time to buy cash-and-carry articles at Bijoutex are missing. The focus is then clearly on ordering in the classic Fair Areas. In difficult times, new and young companies at TrendSet Newcomer find it much harder to bring new products to market than established companies do. This is precisely where TrendSet will do even more in the future to make it easier for companies to gain a toehold in the market. For the Topic Area Country & Style, TrendSet is already planning a new concept. The topic of regionalism and “Heimat”, connected with the megatrend sustainability, has reached all exhibitors and is in large part represented in the wide product assortments. Both the current situation and the feedback from exhibitors and visitors lead to the conclusion that there is no longer a need for a special focus because regional products have become mainstream. For this reason, TrendSet is re-evaluating the design, type, and existence of this Topic Area as concerns the next TrendSet event in summer.
Nature, interpreted the modern way: the trends for Spring/Summer 2022
Nature finds its way into the home in Spring/Summer 2022 in a wide variety of interpretations. Animals are presented in a modern and entertaining way. Nature motifs are showcased sustainably. In addition to lots of gold, there are soft neutrals, vivid pastels, and bright neon colours. Colour blocking, harmonious colour gradients, or tone-in-tone designs characterise the looks. Surfaces are mostly kept natural and often deliberately imperfect. White shows itself nobly in combination with grey or powerfully in synthesis with black. Dark colours are spiced up with lots of glitter. Different styles are optimistically mixed. Ethnic works, boho, and hacienda style are just as en vogue as folklore or cool digital designs are. The preview articles for Christmas 2022 also shine and shimmer in all trendy colours and shapes.
Glitter bunny and pastel eggs: the trends for Easter 2022
At Easter 2022, fresh colours and springtime pastels come to the Easter table. Decorations are full of ambience, humorous, and decorative. From rabbits to chicks to eggs, soft to vivid pastels are popular. Classical figures are presented with a romantic touch. White, silver, black, and gold look fresh, cool, or luxurious depending on the combination. Many bunny ears become glamourous with glitter and sequins. Easter bunnies in bright neon colours and folklore designs have a modern and flamboyant look.
Exhibitors’ opinions from TrendSet Winter 2022:
We are excited, especially about the first day of the fair. Saturday was really good. There wasn’t as much of a crowd as usual, of course, but well beyond our expectations. Even when there aren’t as many people coming because of the coronavirus pandemic, the quality of the visitors is excellent. The cut per customer is high and you can tell that the visitors are truly thankful that TrendSet is taking place. It’s a whole lot of fun.
Arnold Maier (Managing Director, AM-Design)
The first day of the fair was super. TrendSet is doing a fantastic job. The visitors come to order. A lot of business is being transacted. The trade fair strengthens the point of sale; the POS is important or otherwise our city centres will completely die off. The point of sale has to remain stable. We want to contribute to that. Many of the visitors to the fair say that they do not want a representative visit, but the variety of the fair. The location of the fair in Munich is super. Many are connecting their
visit to the fair with a winter holiday in Munich and in the mountains. Because of the regional closeness, many Austrians and Swiss are here. And this time, there are many visitors from Düsseldorf and Hamburg as well.
Michael Rossmann (Managing Director, Pad Home Design Concept)
The fair is going very well. Saturday was good, Sunday is a little quieter, and on Monday, the business customers will come. It is good that the location here in Munich with TrendSet is here. We have to keep it and will keep it. Everyone, exhibitors and visitors alike, is very much enjoying finally physically being here again and presenting products in person. They experience being able to pick them up and feel them. They experience being in contact face to face. We are truly satisfied. After all, it is the first contact in a long time at a trade fair again and especially in this year. There are also a lot of new customers coming to us at the stand – this time, also many that travelled from Frankfurt and Essen. The customers are more aware of the opportunity of the early trade fair – due to the longer deliver times even the seasonal goods for the next Christmas festival. Many exhibitors are starting to offer a second season here at the fair. It is therefore worth keeping your eyes open. Although a few exhibitors withdrew from being at TrendSet Winter 2022 due to concerns, the trade fair offers a good cross-section of many suppliers and brands. Customers are satisfied with the range of the offerings. With respect to this and with a great willingness to buy on the part of everyone, the small 2G+ hurdle (2G plus means that those recovered from COVID and fully vaccinated people are admitted if they can also present a negative COVID test result) was accepted by the visitors in advance without any problems. The fair is well organised. There’s no question that you have to be here.
Peter Kwoka (Managing Director, Kwoka Floristik)
It is super that TrendSet is taking place. It is a good platform to exchange information with customers. We are pleased to be here and pleased at everyone who comes. It is fantastic that TrendSet was able to pull off the fair despite the unfavourable circumstances in January.
Marije Moors (Owner of the agency Double Dutch)
We are very satisfied with how the fair is going – starting with the first day of the fair. The visitors are in a good mood and there is a good mood at the fair. There was no question about whether we would come. We definitely wanted to be here in Munich in January.
Jette Juhl (Sales Assistant, Ib Laursen)
TrendSet Winter 2022 is going very satisfactorily. We are receiving only positive feedback from our customers. The visitors are happy that the trade fair is taking place even under these circumstances. Saturday was super and Sunday was also very good – with high numbers of visitors and a top-notch location and catchment area.
Thomas Wurm (Managing Director and Managing Partner, G. Wurm
By the first two days of the fair, we had already reached the order level of Saturday/Sunday at TrendSet Summer 2021. That is very gratifying and we are satisfied. The visitors are totally excited to be here at the fair again. There is an intensive exchange taking place. Everyone is relieved that TrendSet is taking place. We need the platform for gaining contacts and ordering. The customers from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland that have nailed their colours to the mast in the current situation have been rewarded by a huge variety of exhibitors, brands, and products. And the safe hygiene rules of TrendSet are doing the rest.
Lars Adler (Managing Director, HOFF Interieur)
We are positively surprised by the good way things are going at the fair. The first day of the fair, the Saturday, was one of our best days ever at a trade fair. There is a high level of clientele and ordering here. We have acquired many new customers and those outside of Germany are well represented. Keep it coming!
Timm Exner (General Management, Exner Garten- & Wohnaccessoires)
We had great expectations of TrendSet Winter 2022 and they have been fulfilled. Everywhere there are satisfied visitors who are willing to spend money. Our customers had a good Christmas business and now the stocks have to be replenished. That and the expansion of our collection are giving us high order figures and significantly more orders. We were prepared for the trade fair and had hoped it would take place. Of course, we have a B2B online store, but ultimately, customers want to see and touch the original products. We are always pro trade fair. For us, fairs are quite important for gaining new customers. We have acquired many new customers here at TrendSet in Munich and we are fully satisfied. Those who come are seriously interested. The time spent at the stand is longer than usual and the discussions more intensive. Because we produce almost everything in the EU, our delivery times are moderate even in this situation. So we have not only many pre-orders, but also reorders. This time, we also welcomed our Frankfurt clientele here, since the trade fairs in Frankfurt have been cancelled. TrendSet has been organised and is being executed quite well. It is so important that TrendSet Winter 2022 took place.
Josef Post (Managing Director, Ambiente Europe)
We are here at TrendSet because when we expect that retailers are open, then we also have to be here and ensure that the customers can see and order new products. We feel very safe with the entire concept of the fair, the hygiene rules, the high ceilings of the halls, and the wide aisles. We are meeting interesting customers, taking good orders, and are very satisfied.
Christian Peiniger (Managing Director, PROFINO)
We have the same success as at TrendSet Winter 2020. And even under these circumstances! We acquired a fantastic eleven new customers here at our stand! Everyone who comes also orders; there is only a seriously interested clientele. The fair is super.
Stephi Husslein (Area Manager, RICE)
The fair is going better than we had expected in this situation. We had expected less and are positively surprised. The intention of visitors to order is strong. Whoever comes also orders. We are very satisfied.
Felix Lütge (Sales, GIFTCOMPANY)
Because all other fairs have been cancelled or will be, it’s a must to be here at TrendSet in Munich. It is well organised, as normal as is possible. The concept feels safe. The orders are good, even if many customers are acting a little more carefully in the current situation. The trade fair offers many contacts and a lot of inspiration. This time, there is a bit less representation from Austria and Switzerland than usual, but that is understandable given the circumstances and totally OK.
Daniel Henriksen (Sales & Marketing Director, Hübsch Interior)
We made a lot of appointments for Munich in advance and invited our customers, and they have all come here to TrendSet. The visitors are totally happy. And so are we. It is so wonderful that we could be here; after all, it will probably be the first and last Interiors & Lifestyle trade fair of this calibre.
Petra Vindeby (Broste Copenhagen)
There’s a lot going on at TrendSet and we are generating a lot of contacts. We are surprised that so many people have come despite the current situation. Maybe that is because of the cancellation in Frankfurt.
Karl Röhrig (Authorised Officer, Wunasia for BE Cool)
We are newcomers. Our company was founded amid the lockdown. Therefore, we need a platform more than ever. As early as at TrendSet Summer 2021, the feedback was good. Therefore, there was no question about it for us that we would come again. For us newcomers, it is quite important to make contacts and to be seen. Things are going really well here and we are satisfied all around. There’s a lot of traffic and good order figures. We are also making a lot of contacts. Many visitors are interested and subsequently to the fair, the interest becomes an order.
Julia Reich (Managing Director, Heartfelt) – Topic Area TrendSet Newcomer
TrendSet is a good platform to make contacts and to promote one’s products. The visitors are interested and the orders are OK given the circumstances.
Maike Nestler (Managing Director, TOFF & ZÜRPEL Bienenwachstücher Manufaktur) – Topic Area TrendSet Country &
I make a lot of contacts here at TrendSet. The level of the exhibition at TrendSet Fine Arts is very high, just like the quality of
the visitors. For me as an artist, it is a good opportunity to present myself and my art to a new audience.
Gudrun Dorsch (Artist) – Topic Area TrendSet Fine Arts
Trade visitors |
13.624 |
Key countries of the international trade visitors | Austria, Switzerland, northern Italy |
Brands and collections | 1.500 |
Percentage of international branded collections (exhibitors) |
Greater than 50 % |
Area of exhibition centre/Exhibition space | 70.000 qm |
Exhibition focus | 15 TrendSet Interiors & Lifestyle Fair Areas
four TrendSet Topic Areas |